martes, junio 10, 2008

If Only I Could (Wishful Thinking O Escenas De La Vida Conyugal)

Where you die there I will die and be buried by your side. May God grant our love never end, stand on sacred ground: our home.
[- Si muero en Barcelona, que me entierren en Madrid... Y si muero en Madrid, ¡que me entierren en Barcelona!
- ¿Y eso por qué, Manolo?
- Por joder, María, ¡por joder!]
O como quien dice: mille fois entrelaçons-nous /et lassons-nous même en dessous / serre-moi encore, serre-moi / jusqu’à étouffer de toi...
(Ettouffer de toi, jusque'a je sois sec, que je sois sec)

sábado, junio 07, 2008

Just A Fool To...

After her death, one of his daughters found him slumped in his room, crying, and unable to speak. She was not only the love of his life but also the inspiration for his most personal song, "I Am a Fool to Want You", recorded after their separation. Reportedly, a lone black limousine parked behind the crowd of mourners at her funeral. No one exited the vehicle, but it was assumed that the anonymous mourner was indeed him. A floral arrangement at her graveside simply read: "With All My Love, Francis".

Carly Simon & Nina Simone, "I'm A Fool To Want You"